Wen-mei Hwu
Email w-hwu@nospam670c01be34970.illinois.edu
Title Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 215 Coordinated Science Laboratory
Phone (217) 244-8270
Ravi K. Iyer
Email rkiyer@nospam670c01be3534a.illinois.edu
Title Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 255 Coordinated Science Laboratory
Phone (217) 333-9732
C. Victor Jongeneel
Email vjongene@nospam670c01be35c29.illinois.edu
Title Director of the HPCBio, Affiliate of IGB and Carver Biotechnology Center
Department NCSA/IGB
Office 4024 National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Phone (217) 244-1795
Steven S. Lumetta
Email lumetta@nospam670c01be3655f.illinois.edu
Title Associate Professor
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office 209 Coordinated Science Laboratory
Phone (217) 244-5564
Gene E. Robinson
Email generobi@nospam670c01be3809b.illinois.edu
Title Director
Department Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
Office 1308 Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
Phone (217) 265-0309
Saurabh Sinha
Email sinhas@nospam670c01be38a98.illinois.edu
Title Associate Professor
Department Computer Science
Office 4316 Siebel Center
Phone (217) 333-3233