Illinois Hosts First CompGen Consortium Meeting
The first CompGen Consortium Meeting was held April 3–4, 2014, at the Coordinated Science Lab and the Institute of Genomic Biology on the UIUC campus.
Representatives from twenty companies participated—many as panelists. Those in attendance represented Abbott Molecular, Abbott Nutrition, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), BGI-Shenzhen, Bilkent University, Dow Agrosciences, Eli Lilly, High Performance Biology Computing (HPCBio), IBM, Intel Labs, Mayo Clinic and Center for Individualized Medicine, Microsoft Research, Monsanto, Strand Life Sciences, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Tezzaron, and UIUC. Chancellor Phyllis Wise provided opening remarks.
Session topics included:
- CompGen: the machine; near-term efforts
- major research issues
- industry trends
- education and training and building collaborations.
The meeting closed with an industry feedback and open mic session. Check back for more information about upcoming consortium meetings.